March 26, 2011

Three Months (Home)

A few things to report. Ezra has had a pretty rough week since we came back from Vermont, and it's because of a combination of these reasons: 1) he's still adjusting to being completely thrown of schedule, 2) he has itchy infant eczema thanks to me, my mom, and Jered, and 3) we're pretty sure he's teething. Evidence for point three? He's fussy, drooling, and chewing on everything he can get in his mouth. We feel bad for him.

The pictures make it seem like he's always happy, but he has a lot more rough bouts than anything right now. We just capitalize on happy play time. Parenting is tougher than anything we've done before. Love this kid.


  1. So handsome! Looks like you guys are doing a great job. I still have to swing by to meet him. Is that the headboard you made in the background, Jessica? It looks great!

  2. I have noticed that the photographer is not in any of these pictures. Could we see some pictures of Ezra with his Daddy?

  3. Love the pictures of your sweet boy! Hang in there, guys! He also may be growing through a growth spurt? We need to catch up soon :)

  4. Colleen - The one we made is in the guest room. The one pictured is our master sleigh bed.

    Kim - Good point. Maybe I'll get some taken by my brother when I see him soon.

    Bethany - Also a good point that we never thought of. Read that there is one right around three months. Funny enough just this evening Ezra woke up screaming from a nap hungry an hour earlier than normal. Thanks for the heads up!
