July 31, 2011


Turn your head for a second, and he's got something he's not supposed to have. In the blink of an eye, he's somewhere he's not supposed to be. The days of having a stationary baby are over for us.

Just a few weeks ago, Ezra learned how to sit upright with some help. Last week, he could stay seated on his own and was content to stay in the same spot. This week, he figured out that he can get from a sitting position to a crawling position with ease. He's able to get up on his hands and knees but hasn't quite figured out how to move in the direction he wants to go. Chances are he'll pick up on it next week, and that's when the fun begins.

To Do List:
  • Install baby gate
  • Child-proof cabinet doors
  • Secure lamp cords

Here's a video Jessica took from her phone this week. She apologizes for the "ridiculous outfit" he's wearing.

First bath outside of his baby tub.

July 24, 2011

Seven Months

Its been the hottest few days in a long time. The back yard looks like the African Savanna, and even the crape myrtles are going into hibernation. Most of our time has been spent inside so we had to come up with some new ways to keep ourselves entertained.

Jessica has been taking Ezra to gym class at The Little Gym in Cary. They learned how to do somersaults last week [see above]. Apparently, it's good for a baby's inner ear and balance development if you flip 'em over a few times every once in a while.

Here's to hoping the heat subsides soon. Stay cool out there.

July 18, 2011

New River VA


A much needed retreat to our favorite place (and future retirement site), Southwest VA. Balcony pictures were taken from the nearby Inn at Riverbend in Pembroke, VA, a few miles down the road from Jessica's parents house. The random picture of the old general store is the unlikely site of a fantastic restaurant called The Palisades in the tiny town of Eggleston. 

The trip was just what we needed.

Corning NY

More berry picking, this time as Jessica and Ezra took a week trip to see her side of the family in Corning, NY. It was on this trip that Ezra began to sit up on his own. Somehow they made it up and back on the road (with a pit stop in State College, PA).

All of these pictures were taken by Jessica. She's getting pretty good.

[First bean. Not a big fan.]

July 17, 2011

Six Months

On Ezra's six month birthday weekend (almost a month ago), we went picking at Vollmer Farm in Bunn for blackberries and blueberries followed up by a train ride on the New Hope Valley Railway in Bonsal.

For some updates to family all over, here is a list of things that Ezra can do now at this age:
  • Drinks from a sippy cup
  • Rolls across floor to move around and get toys
  • Laughs hard
  • Eats solid baby foods (bananas, prunes, sweet potatoes, mangoes, beans, peas)
  • Got rid of his eczema
  • Can pick up small objects, toys, and food
  • Stands while we hold his hands

Here are the pictures from his half birthday weekend.

Berry Picking

Train Ride