January 16, 2011

Weeks 2 and 3 Catch Up

Happy Sunday, everyone. Bear with us while we try to make a few aesthetic adjustments to the blog--the posting section was widened to accommodate a slightly bigger post header picture, and all pictures are now rounded at the corners. The changes might be permanent. Or not.

It has been a crazy couple of weeks around here. Sleep schedules keep changing (growth spurt?), I'm fully back to work, and we had a couple of new "firsts" to report including:

  • Rolled over from stomach to back twice [at only 2 weeks old?]
  • Submerged bath, pictures below
  • First meal outside the house [Anna's in Downtown Apex]

Also, our great friends Michael and Kelly (Jessica's roommate from college), booked a photography session as a shower gift for us. The pictures turned out great and will be posted sometime next week. It really was a fantastic gift.

Week 2

First Tub Bath

Week 3

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