January 13, 2011

Flipped Upside Down

For the first time since we started this blog, we missed a weekly post. At this point with our adjusting to life with Ezra, you probably can't count on a timely or steady posting schedule. Sleep is pretty inconsistent for Jessica, I'm back at work, and we're still learning how to understand what Ezra is saying when he cries.

Parenthood is definitely not easy, but it has been rewarding. We love him like crazy and can't wait until he starts smiling, laughing, and can recognize us as Mama and Daddy.

Check out the fantastic pictures Jered put together:

 Here are other, not-as-good pictures. I'll try and catch up on taking more this weekend.

[First official picture with Grandma]

1 comment:

  1. He's beautiful! I hope that Jessica is recovering well and you are getting at least a little shut eye. Congrats- again! :)
