February 27, 2011

Eight / Nine Weeks

Here's a thirty-four picture post to catch everyone up on the last two weeks. Ezra is officially smiling and babbling (yelling) now. It's incredible. We go to the doctor this week for his two month checkup and first round of shots. Here's to hoping he checks out well. On to the pictures.

Week 8 

Week 9 

Tummy Time

Getting Ready for Church


  1. Ezra is precious! Question for Jessica- where did you get that super cute changing pad? I love the raised polka dots! :)

  2. Hi Ashley! The changing pad cover is from Babies R Us. It is made by boppy. I would suggest getting at least two that way when one is being washed you'll have another to use!

  3. AHH - He is SO beautiful!!! I love him already ;)
