October 12, 2010

Week 29: Blacksburg, VA (Hokies vs. CMU)

Hello again, friends and family. Sadly, this weekend we took our final trip of the year to Blacksburg. Believe it or not, we are only 11 weeks away from Ezra's official birth date (December 26th, if you forgot). Considering how much we travel on the weekends and with us being fairly far along, we decided that our last trip away from home would be to Virginia Beach on October 23rd for Justin's uncle's wedding. We're excited to have time at home to get more things done before Ezra's arrival. Everyone is more than welcome to come down and visit us any time.

Our Hokies had an easy week against Central Michigan and won 45-21. The score makes the game look closer than it actually was--we were up 38-7 early in the third quarter and took out much of the A-team. The game was not very exciting by VT standards, but a win is a win.

Lane Stadium

[Practice Field]

Since it was our last time in Blacksburg for a while, our pictures this week are focused on some of the academic buildings where we spent much of our time while we were in school. All of the locations you'll see are where we had our largest classes (the core requirements in our first two years of our undergraduate work). Keep in mind, these are the largest lecture halls on campus by far and by no means were all the classes this large. Thankfully, many of Jessica's later classes were much smaller (in the 20s) while Justin's were usually kept under 50.

McBryde Hall (Room 100

This classroom holds about 500 students and is used by many of the university core requirement classes. Justin's first class as an undergraduate student was held in this room: Intro Psychology. He arrived an uncharacteristically 10 minutes late and managed to use the door at the front of the classroom. There's no better introduction to college than having 500 heads turn and look at you after just graduating from a school that could fit the entire middle & upper school in this room.

Torgersen Hall (Atrium, Bridge, & Room 2150)

A newer addition to campus, Torgersen Hall was built with a bridge across Alumni Mall from the library. The first picture below is the main atrium where Justin spent many days studying and working on group projects. The inside of Torg Bridge (2nd picture) is a popular study location too but has noise restrictions as it's connected to the library. The last picture is one of the main lecture halls within Torg Hall.

Squires Student Center (Atrium & Colonial Room)

Squires is home of the University's student activity center and included a food court, bowling alley, pool hall, arcade, ballroom, classrooms, and a few mini performing arts theaters. The Colonial room (2nd & 3rd pictures) was another popular location of both Justin and Jessica's early classes.

Burruss Hall (Auditorium)

Lastly, we have Burruss Hall, the iconic building of Virginia Tech's campus and holds our largest performing arts theater. Believe it or not, one or two classes made their way into this auditorium due to immense popularity (a. World Regions with Dr. John Boyer and b. Intro Business Management with Dr. Chris Neck). These classes easily topped 1200 and are considered by many as their favorite courses taken while at school.

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