September 19, 2010

DSLR Basics, Assignment 3

Assignment 3:

Art Photography.

I was left only with a fairly broad description: "Using your skill and imagination, and exercising your freedom to work with any kind of subject or approach, with or without manipulation, produce images that are expressive and subjective, rather than objective and representational."

Let me just say that as a type-A number cruncher by trade, I am neither artsy nor subjective. I went on the Virginia Tech campus today to get my creative juices flowing.

On one end of the drill field, I walked up to the Lumenhaus, an award winning VT architecture project. On the opposite end, the pylons atop the War Memorial Chapel.

None of my pictures ended up at all expressive or subjective, but I still enjoyed taking the shots.





Van Der Rohe







  1. Watch your lens flares. They're distracting in these shots. Did you have the hood on (did you ever figure out how to put it on properly?)?

    The lens flares in the blue sky are easy to correct in Lightroom. The ones on subjects (eg, at the pylons) are much harder to do and require using Photoshop.

  2. Also, my comment from your next set (ECU vs VT game) applies here (on distorting size with a wide angle). The sacrifice picture shows how it's useful--you get small words and the big person above it in one shot easily. That's how you do it well, nice composition.
