August 26, 2010

DSLR Basics, Assignment 1

This past Monday, I began a nine week course to learn digital photography basics. It's a weekly, three hour class running through mid October. With my recent interest in photography (and of course with Ezra on the way), it's important that I learn the proper fundamentals instead of having to undo bad habits later.

The first session was cut a little short due to A/C issues in the classroom, but I did walk away with a bit more than I already knew. Week 1 and there's already homework.


Assignment 1:

Still life photography. Choose my three best shots of some inanimate subject. One shot has to highlight the color, red. No other restrictions.

*I'm guessing this will show us our baseline skill level...hoping my work gets visibly better by the end of the course.







  1. Where are you taking this class? My husband really wants to take a class like this!

  2. This class is through Wake Tech (night classes @ Leesville Road High School). There are a lot of courses available at other places, but this one is the best mix of location, time, and start/end dates.
