September 28, 2011

9 Month Checkup

Family and friends, sorry that it has taken so long for us to post an update. We actually have to post-process pictures from two weekends ago where we went to Blacksburg, and Ezra attended his first Virginia Tech football game.

Until we can get to those pictures, here's an update from Ezra's 9-month doctor's visit this week. A quick side note: At his 2 and 3-month checkups he was in the 90 or 95th percentile in all of the following categories with no signs of stopping (not that percentiles really mean anything). At the time we were a little worried, but our doctor assured us that his growth rate would even out. It did.

  • Height: 28 inches (50th percentile)
  • Weight: 19 pounds, 12 ounces (45th percentile)
  • Head Circumference: 47 centimeters (90th percentile)

He's an average sized kid with an above average sized noggin (filled with brains). Dr. Gelber was pleased to report that he is right on track on both physical and developmental levels. At this point, we are now allowed to reduce his baby food and nursing frequency and begin to feed him whatever we eat for our meals. Ezra has been pulling up, cruising, and getting into a whole lot of mischief lately. Also, his top two teeth are coming in.

If you haven't seen us lately, please come and visit!


Justin, Jessica, and Ezra

September 7, 2011

High Country NC Revisited

Some of you faithful followers might remember one of our first blog posts over a year ago documenting our trip to he mountains. Well, we went back, this time with double the fun with Ezra and Lola. Instead of staying in the charming town of Blowing Rock again, we stayed 30 minutes outside of town in a cabin called "Cliffside" at Cherokee Cove, a Christian family camp.

The camp is located within Cherokee National Forest and sits on the ridgeline of a mountain that is literally the border of North Carolina and Tennessee. In fact, as we traversed the gravel rode up the mountain, we were in NC; as soon as we hit the peak and started driving downhill, we crossed the border into TN. The cabin location was remote to say the least, but the views were breathtaking.

"Hyperbole and a half" you're thinking? Try waking up to this back deck view in the morning...

Cabin Driveway & Other Views from the Back Deck

Around Blowing Rock

Hiking at Grandfather Mountain

 Surprisingly, Ezra loved being in the backpack.

Orchard at Altapass (Revisited from last trip)

Eight Months (State College PA)

Sorry for the delay, all. We got a little behind on posting due to all the traveling we have done over the past two weeks. Where'd we go? First stop was Jessica's home town of State College, PA (AKA Happy Valley, home of Penn State University).

One of Jessica's friends got married two weekends ago so we made the 9 hour drive (including a stop for dinner) on Friday evening, and the same drive back on Sunday evening. While exhausting, it was a great trip and a chance for me to see where Jessica spent most of her days growing up. She gushes about her hometown often, and now I see why. (Jessica actually lived out in the country in a town called, Port Matilda, that is about 20 minutes outside State College).

The trip also gave Ezra a chance to have some quality time with his only-blood-related-aunt (OBRA) and uncle Pierson.

Meyer Dairy, site of most of Jessica's high school dates.